Average time per day for this plan: 7 Minutes
You are working on lesson 5.
The Opportunities Jesus Gives
Love Your Enemies
'My Name is Legion'
Put All Your Energies Into Responding to God
The Seed Must Die to Be Fruitful
Different Responses to Jesus
Opportunities Don't Last Forever
Don't Fritter Away Your Life
The Seed Must Die to Be Fruitful

20A little later some Gentiles who had converted to Judaism and who had come up to Jerusalem to worship at the festival 21approached Philip, who came from Bethsaida in Galilee. These Gentiles asked Philip, ‘Sir, we want to see Jesus, to have a serious conversation with him.’ 22Philip told Andrew and then both Philip and Andrew in turn told this to Jesus.

23Jesus answered them, ‘The time has now come for me, the Son of Man, to be honored and to share in my Father’s glory. I must now leave this world. I must suffer and die, be buried, rise again and return to my Father’s glory. 24I am telling you the truth, a grain of wheat must be planted in the ground. Its life-giving seed must decay and die in order to be fruitful and produce more seeds. If it doesn’t die, it will remain as only one seed. My life is like that. My life given up in death will be a sacrifice that will result in a rich spiritual harvest. I must die in order to give life to many. 25Your lives are like that seed, too. If you cling tightly to your life, you will lose it and have nothing in the end. It will be like the single seed that never gives up its life for others to grow. But if you deny yourselves and take more delight in God than in the ways of the world and if you love me above all that is dear to you in this world, then you will keep your life for ever and it will flourish. 26If you claim to serve me, then you must follow me where I go. Where I am present, my servant is there also. We cannot be separated. If you truly serve me, my Father will honor you and you will enjoy my presence with you always.’

27Jesus continued, ‘My soul is in real anguish, but what am I to say? “Father, save me from this time of suffering and death”? But I know it was for this exact purpose that I’ve come to this time so I will not shrink from fulfilling my Father’s purpose. I must bear the burden of the sins of humanity. Father, I submit to you willingly. 28I ask you, Father, honor your name again now. What is most important is that your glorious majesty is displayed for all to see.’

In response to this, a voice called out from heaven, ‘I have honored my name and I will honor it again.’ 29Many people were standing by and heard the sound but couldn’t make out what had been said. Some people described it as being as awe-inspiring as thunder. Others said that it was the voice of an angel speaking words of encouragement to Jesus.

30Jesus himself responded, ‘This voice was not for my benefit to encourage me but more for yours as a sign to confirm my purpose in coming as the Messiah and Savior of the world. 31The time for the judgment of this rebellious world has now come. The prince of this world, Satan, will now be decisively defeated when I die on the cross. He will be driven out. His power will be smashed. My death and resurrection will shatter the chains of guilt and condemnation that have held humanity captive. 32When I, the Son of Man, have died and been raised up from the earth, I will powerfully draw people from all over the world to myself.’ 33(Jesus spoke in this way to describe how he would die.)

John 12:20-33

Key Thought: How can your life become fruitful?

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