Average time per day for this plan: 7 Minutes
You are working on lesson 6.
The Opportunities Jesus Gives
Love Your Enemies
'My Name is Legion'
Put All Your Energies Into Responding to God
The Seed Must Die to Be Fruitful
Different Responses to Jesus
Opportunities Don't Last Forever
Don't Fritter Away Your Life
Different Responses to Jesus

34People in the crowd replied, ‘We have read in the law that the Messiah will continue to live for ever, that he will establish a kingdom which will never end. So what do you mean by saying, “The Son of Man must die and then be raised up from the earth”? Anyway, who is this “Son of Man”?’

35Jesus answered them, reminding them of their responsibility.I am the Son of Man. You’re going to have me – the light – with you for only a little while longer. Don’t waste your lives on worthless pursuits, but seize every opportunity to do good. Make your way through life trusting in the light while you still have the light with you in case the darkness overtakes you. Be careful: if you walk in the dark, you won’t have light to see where you’re going. 36So I urge you to trust in me, the light of the world, while you still have the light with you, and you will become the children of light. Then the glow of my love will shine through you to lead others out of darkness.’ After he had finished saying all these things, Jesus left them and decided to lie low and adopt a low profile. His public ministry was coming to an end.

37They saw Jesus do so many miracles and speak so many wonderful words, but even after he had done all this, most of the people still refused to trust in him. 38Their unwillingness fulfilled the words of the prophet Isaiah: ‘Lord, who has believed the message we have reported?’ – ‘No one.’Where has God’s power been unleashed?’ – ‘Here and now!’  39This is why they couldn’t believe, as another prophecy of Isaiah says, 40God has confirmed their stubbornness. He has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts. The result is that they can neither discern nor understand the true condition of their souls. They refuse to turn back to me, for if they did, I would heal them and give them new life.’ 41Isaiah spoke those words about the vision he glimpsed of Jesus’ power and majesty.

42At the same time all this was going on, many people – including many of the Jewish leaders – came to trust in him. They kept quiet, however, because they were afraid of the Pharisees. They knew that if they went public and were open about their new-found faith, they would be expelled from their own faith community. 43But underlying their cowardice was a deeper motive. They were more concerned about what other people thought of them than they were about the honor that comes from God.

John 12:34-43

Key Thought: If we trust in Jesus, the glow of our love will shine through us to lead others out of darkness.

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