Teaching kids about faith and character is an important aspect of parenting.
When children are raised with a strong foundation of godly character and faith, they can more easily get through the challenges they will face as they grow. They will know how to make better decisions, trust in God, and smoothly navigate peer pressure and the many other challenges of growing up in this world.
With that in mind, we’ve gathered content from a variety of respected Christian teachers to help you deliberately and purposefully parent in a way that helps your kids develop their character and faith in everyday life.
Raising children with strong faith and godly character takes a deliberate plan and purposeful action on your part to help them grow.
Kids will develop values either from you or from the world around them. One way to be intentional about teaching your kids godly values is to talk to them about their views, hopes, and desires.
Parenting and disciplining your kids with love and leadership will help them learn how to respect authority and respond to correction.
Kids behave better and have more confidence when they have clear limits. These limits are put in place to help them build character, understand right from wrong, and learn what is expected of them in the family.
If we allow our kids to struggle a little, they'll develop confidence, compassion, and independence, which will work together to build them into people of great character who rely on God.
Encouraging your kids to find their identity in Christ is a crucial part of raising them to be people of strong character and faith.
Children learn from your actions more than they do from your words, so it's important to set an example for them by modeling faith and godly character in your own life.