Sometimes things happen in life that are so hard to handle, you don’t know what to do. You may not even know what to say. An event can take your breath away, and all you can do is cry out, “Help me!” This is all you need to do—call out to Jesus with a short prayer. Help me. Save me. Show me. If you ask God to help you during the hard times, He will. This post shows you why emergency moments like these are the time to cry out to God instead of trying to carry your burden alone.
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Psalm 46:1
Oh, Jesus... Help me. Save me. Show me. I am in this difficult time, and I don’t know what to do, but I trust You to help me.
Am I trying to handle this difficult situation alone?
Cry out to Jesus! Use short prayers that tell Him what you need.
In the midst of an emergency or a time of trial, we don’t always have the time or ability to articulate long prayers. But we must pray nonetheless! This is the time for crying out to God with short prayers. He hears them, and He understands the urgency. Sometimes a situation is so dire or difficult that you may not even have the words to pray. This is when the Holy Spirit takes over and speaks on our behalf. The next post explains how.