Average time per day for this plan: 7 Minutes
You are working on lesson 3.
Love Your Enemies
The Real Goal
Healthy Disagreement: Part 1
Healthy Disagreement: Part 2
Kingdom-Minded Action
Technology: Friend or Foe?
Trust Your Guide
The Real Goal

Yesterday we looked at the importance of seeing beyond people’s political ideology, and instead recognizing them as loved sons and daughters of God. Today we’re going to continue this thought as we look at the importance of demonstrating God’s love to those that believe differently than us. 

Love as a Pathway to Peace

If you desire to walk in peace throughout this political season, love is the best way forward. Throughout my life, I’ve never met someone who could simultaneously be described as both hateful and peaceful. By nature, hate drives out peace, and even in small amounts, it makes gentleness and compassion challenging to find. 

Love, on the other hand, works differently. It elevates us above the drama. I’m still amazed when I catch a flight on a gloomy day. The plane shakes and shudders as it ascends through the rain and wind, only to pass into the still air and sunshine that was impossible to imagine from the ground. Love works in this way, lifting us to a new perspective and letting us move forward to a place of inner quiet. We find stillness even as the season’s storms churn violently below. 

What’s Our Real Goal?

“‘And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” )Mark 12:30–31)

It’s vital for us to continually remind ourselves of what’s most important. When Jesus said that the greatest commandments are: “love your God with all your heart,” and “love your neighbor as yourself,” he added no addendum for the political season. They remain the greatest commandments for us, even now.

In the midst of a high-stakes political season, it’s surprisingly challenging to keep these goals in their proper places. We find ourselves more focused on changing minds, winning debates, and garnering votes, than on loving God and others. We may even begin to see differing ideas as dangerous and threatening. And we may view those who perpetuate the ideas as our opponents and enemies.

But when we look at the life of Jesus, he was constantly followed and harassed by those who were truly his enemies. The political and religious elite literally wanted him dead. Yet, in spite of their very real threat, Jesus continued to focus on the command to love. Let us do the same. 

Let’s Remember

Let’s remember that this season’s ultimate goal is not to convince more people to join our political ideology. 

Let’s remember that people with different views are not less deserving of our love. 

Let’s remember that the ultimate goal is that God’s unmatched love would transform lives all over the world. 

Let’s remember that when we align ourselves with God’s heart, his plans, and his purposes, we can step into the peaceful stream of his presence. 


1. Reflect on whether you are walking in God’s love for others in this political season.

2. Ask God to forgive any time that you’ve walked in judgment, bitterness, or even pride.

3. Ask God to give you a great depth of love and compassion, even toward those with whom you politically disagree. 

4. Ask God what his greatest purpose and plan is for you right now? What is most important for you to focus on?

This is an excerpt from First15's Peace in Politics. For more helpful resources, guided prayers, and practical tips, click here.

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