Ahhh, election season
Don’t you just love it? A time of name-calling, anxiety, and cautiously attempting to avoid the long list of possible landmines that could ruin your close relationships. There is no doubt that our country’s political season gets ugly. It’s a time many of us are not proud of and potentially wish we could avoid altogether. But the reality is, we simply can’t. During the political season, our posture, our behavior, and yes, even our votes, matter. And as followers of Jesus, we are called to emulate him -- his love, his compassion, and his call for us to seek the kingdom of God above all else.
A better way
Even amid a polarizing political season, I believe there is a better way. I believe there is a kingdom-way to navigate and thrive in this divisive time in our country. I believe God offers us a path forward, marked by peace, humility, and unity.
Through this guide, I hope you are equipped, challenged, and impassioned to choose the path of peace God offers. And from that peace, my hope is that you are moved to share it freely with your world.
We each have our own circle of influence, and as kingdom Christians, God wants to use you as a representative of a greater story, one filled with hope, joy, and peace.
Let’s seek to live differently than the world around us. Let’s strive to have a resounding impact in our communities. Your unshakable example of God’s love will speak louder than you may ever know.
What this is:
-- A guide to finding peace in this divisive time
-- A call to seek God’s kingdom above all else
-- A reminder that love must come first
What this isn’t:
-- A guide for where to place your vote
-- An opinion piece on specific political issues
-- A recommendation to avoid engaging in politics altogether
This is an excerpt from First15's Peace in Politics. For more helpful resources, guided prayers, and practical tips, click here.
When we are secure in God’s promise of provision, we no longer have to respond to political uncertainty with fear.
There happen to be followers of Jesus who are Republicans, Democrats, and Libertarians.
Let’s remember that the ultimate goal is that God’s unmatched love would transform lives all over the world.
Healthy disagreement allows for honesty without diminishing another person’s value and worth.
How can you love and serve the people with whom you disagree?
In order to be culture-changing Christians, we must first surrender ourselves to the transforming love of God.
The beautiful thing about gratitude is that it reminds us of God’s character. It reminds us that we are loved by him, and he has promised to take care of us.
How might our political landscape improve, if we as believers primarily fought for the benefit of others, rather than ourselves?
The changing technological landscape has not only had an effect on the world at large, it has impacted our hearts, minds, and emotions.
My hope for you -- for us -- is that we would accept God’s invitation into green pastures, still waters, and peace in the midst of politics.