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Serving Others and Patience

Whenever something takes time it requires patience. In 1 Peter 5:6 we are encouraged to humble ourselves before God and if we are patient we will be exalted in due time. One of the best ways to humble ourselves is to serve others with the gifts God has given us. Our reading today reminds us that we have all been given spiritual gifts.

In serving others we practice patience by using our gifts to further the kingdom of God and not our own agenda. Whether we receive recognition or not isn’t the focus of serving. It is about honoring God and serving people.  

I was taught that when you serve others, your focus is shifted and you receive a new perspective on your situation. I encourage you to patiently listen to the needs of others and to serve them with the gifts God has given you.


-- Make a list of your talents and gifts

-- How can you serve others with your gifts and talents?


Dear God, thank you for the talents and gifts you have given me. Holy Spirit, help me to use these gifts to patiently serve others. Amen.

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