Melissa, If One Life . . . is the extraordinary love story of Jeremy and Melissa Camp seen in the movie I STILL BELIEVE.
This plan is a challenging look at one life radically surrendered to Christ and the journey they took together. Discover the mystery to having love, joy & hope through any trial.
Experience Melissa’s journals and join the journey! “Big or small, I’m willing for it all. The journey is ours - Let’s go!”
Be sure to get your copy of the book today!
The triumphant life begins with surrender to God’s will above your own. Are you ready for an amazing journey?
When bad things happen do you doubt or question God’s love for you? How do you think knowing and experiencing God’s love would change your perspective?
You can choose to save your life and live in safety and complacency but in the end, you will lose your life. Or you can choose to answer the call, follow Jesus, die to self and live. Which life do you choose?
Are you prepared to follow Jesus and His Word through all of life’s joys and sorrows?
In living a life as a Christ follower how important is it to be surrendered to God’s will?
Jesus said that all would know that you are His disciple by the love you have for one another. Love -- unconditional, sacrificial, unrelenting, reckless love -- reveals if one is truly Christ’s disciple.
Love like Jesus, risk loving others with your whole heart, do not hold back. Strive for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus. He wants to bring the greatest value out of your life! Make it count!