As we continue to look at the character traits that keep us from receiving all God has for us, we must consider our demeanor. A godly woman has a calm and kind manner that reflects God’s character. If you look at your life closely and honestly, you may find that instead of kindness and gentleness, you have loudness and stubbornness. These are character traits that conceal sin and disobedience. Calmness and kindness, on the other hand, exemplify how God treats us. Letting go of loudness or stubbornness doesn’t mean you have to be a girly girl, nor do you have to sit in a corner and be quiet. But you do need to magnify the character traits of a godly woman. Today’s post will show you how.
RE 2 - Is the River of Your Life Calm Edit
Lord, the world sees the biblical woman as someone who is weak. I don’t want to be weak. I want to be strong—in You. I want You to be in control of my life. Help me value what You value. Help me let go of worldly behavior and instead respond more and more like You want me to.
How can I respond to my surroundings in a more biblical way without being or feeling weak?
Review 1 Peter 3, then ask God how you can let go of control and be more in tune with His idea of womanhood.
The manner in which you portray yourself to others directly reflects your maturity in Christ. When we are children (in our faith), we behave like children—acting loudly and stubbornly. As we mature, we learn why it’s important to project calmness, love, and gentleness. Without these godly characteristics, we will be poor witnesses to the love and grace that God extends to us.
There is one more trait you must consider releasing before adding godly characteristics to your life. In the next post, find out more about the “Wonder Woman Complex” and why it is not what God desires for you.