Relationships can be challenging for one reason: self. Each of us wants what we want, when we want it—and letting go of the need for self-fulfillment is not easy. But God doesn’t want us to be self-centered in marriage. He wants marriage to reflect His nature, which is giving and nurturing. There is only one way to change a marriage: and that is to allow God to change you first. Today’s video outlines how you can give God access to your part of the marriage to effect great change in you as well as in your relationship with your spouse.
GP - Video __ Change the One You Can
God, I want my marriage to reflect Your nature. I am giving You 100% access to me to make me the person You want me to become, and then I give you permission to work out the rest in regard to my marriage.
Where have I become focused on self-fulfillment in my marriage?
Rather than looking at ways your spouse should change, ask God to show you ways for you to become more like Him. See how doing this can affect your marriage.
Although it may take two to make or break a marriage, you can only make a difference in your part of the relationship. You are the only person that you can make better. Your marriage will always be stronger when you strive to reflect more of God’s love towards your spouse (and less of your desire for self). That is the first responsibility of marriage. In upcoming posts, we will look at other responsibilities in your relationship as you consider what a man and a woman each need most in a marriage.