It’s hard to not compare your marriage to other people’s marriages—especially when you feel like something is missing for you. We’ve all been there: looking at someone else’s relationship and wishing we could have the same thing in ours. We may look at the joy of new beginnings in a young marriage, or we may long for the friendship and intimacy we see in a seasoned one. While comparing marriages is not fair to you or to your spouse, you can use these observations as a catalyst to help you restore those things in your own relationship. Today, listen to some proven tips on how you can restore love and romance in your marriage.
JD Greear - 8-04-06 How to Date and Love a Woman
Instead of wishing my marriage was like someone else’s, please empower me to restore the love and romance in my own marriage, Jesus.
Have my acts of love and romance waned in our marriage? If so, how can I renew those acts to bring the excitement back to our relationship?
Take your spouse on a date, or surprise him/her with some special time together this week.
With a little attention to detail, you can create a vibrant marriage and be excited about your relationship again. Treating your spouse as your best friend, spending time together, and remembering why you love one another will help you restore the love and romance in your marriage. Another way to keep your love alive is to make sure that Christ is always the center of your relationship—both as a married couple and as individuals. The next post will look at how Christ makes it possible to have a strong union.