Bible Love Leading: “We know how much God loves us and we have put our trust in his love. God is love and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them.” (1 John 4:16)
God’s Love Leading: The word love is thrown around in so many different ways. We say we love hot dogs or we love a song while saying we love our boyfriend, girlfriend or parents. Is love really this broad a word? If you look up the word love in the dictionary it is defined as: strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties, attraction or sexual desire or the object of attachment, devotion or admiration. No wonder the word is used in so many diverse contexts. Love is varied. The common denominator in the definition is that love is an action and it requires connection.
So how should we understand 1 John 4:16. There is an assumption that we are to know how much God loves us, so that we put our trust in His love. It also says that God is love and if He lives within us, His love lives within us. Phew! How do we do this in a practical way? How can we fathom the depths of God’s love? We can’t scratch the surface of his love without his help. John writes in an assertive way. He assumes that we trust God’s love and therefore will choose to trust his love. This is very bold and somewhat satisfying. Imagine if we put our true weight (strength), passion (spirit) and heart (being) into believing that the God of love, loves you.
So if love is an action that requires connection, what does that look like for you? Take a moment to meditate on the idea of God’s unfailing love for you. God is love. He is the strong affection and attachment that we seek. The God of love, loves you. He wants this love, Himself to live within you.
My Love Leading: Fill-in the blanks below with your name. Then repeat the verse as a prayer through out the day so that the truth of God’s love will fill you up.
Dear Lord,
I know how much you love me, _________ and I have put my trust in your love. God, you are love and I, _______________ live in you, God. God, live in me.
Andrea M. Polnaszek’s Writing
Featured in the movie: Switched (
Books available on Amazon and at:
Lead with Love Journal
Lead with Love -- The Switched Bible Study
Lead with Love -- Answering God’s Invitation to Love Well.