The word peace appears in the Bible nearly 250 times between Genesis and Revelation. Often, it's in reference to God giving us peace or urging us to have it. God wants you to have peace always, in every circumstance, in every way, at all times. You can experience it with Him, have it with others, and have it within yourself. If you don’t have it, then it might be because you aren’t listening to Him. This post explains how you can live in peace when you listen for God's guidance and direction.
When you stop running after the world’s definition of peace and instead look toward God, you'll find lasting contentment. As a believer, you'll never find peace in circumstances, people, or things; you'll find it only in a relationship with God through His Son, Jesus. Knowing Jesus opens the pathway to the kind of peace that keeps you calm in the midst of life's storms. It can lower your stress and anxiety, and it can help you focus on the things that are truly important. You can maintain harmony in your life when you listen to God, obey Him, and trust that His plan and His purpose are good for you. You can trust that He is in charge and will take care of your difficult situations or circumstances. And this is what gives you perfect peace.
BayC - The Guiding Principle of Peace
Psalm 85:8
God, I am listening to You. Your ways, Your guidance, and Your direction are the most important things to me.
Am I listening to God’s voice, or am I trying to follow my own plans?
Stop trying to run your life yourself; instead, listen for God’s direction. Then you will find peace.
Continue to build on these lessons daily, creating a meaningful relationship with Jesus through prayer and time in Scripture. As you draw closer to Him, you'll find more peace—the kind that keeps you safe and calm in the midst of life’s storms.