Average time per day for this plan: 7 Minutes
You are working on lesson 6.
Make Sure You Are Spiritually Alive
Let the Shepherd Lead You Day by Day
Trust Him and Lean in His Direction
Say Yes to the Holy Spirit as a Way of Life
Make Sure You Don't Take No for an Answer
Keep Your Guard Up
Keep Your Guard Up

You may have seen a giant fall yesterday to only wake up to a new giant today. There’s no need to be afraid. There’s a need to stay vigilant.

When we start to see the fear or the anger or the addiction leave our lives, there can be a void created. The result is twofold: we rid our lives of a giant, and we fill the void with something good. Ultimately, the thing that fills our lives is not a “what” but a “who”—the person and work of Jesus. He is the anchor for our souls, and that anchor rests at the cross of Christ.

Even when we walk closely with Christ, chaos can still throw rocks at us. Painful circumstances can appear in a f lash. Jesus never promises us a problem-free life. Yes, there is still the valley of the shadow of death, and yes, there is still the presence of enemies. But thank God, Jesus leads us through the valley. Jesus prepares a table before us in the presence of our enemies. When chaos happens, we’re tempted to run away from God. We wonder why bad things continue to happen to us. Yet the call is always to look at the cross. We don’t come to believe in God’s love for us because of the circumstances around us. We are assured of his love for us because of the circumstance of Christ on the cross. We remind ourselves that the pinnacle and depth and breadth of all chaos was thrown at Jesus. Jesus knows all about suffering. He knows all about pain. He knows all about loss. He was mistreated. He was abused. He was rejected. He suffered death. So we always keep our eyes on Jesus. We deliberately set him always before us.

Author and English evangelist F. B. Meyer wrote, I do not believe in sanctification, I believe in the Sanctifier. I do not believe in holiness. I believe in the Holy One. Not an “it,” but a Person. Not an attribute, but Christ in my heart. Abide in Jesus. Let the Holy [Spirit] in you keep you abiding in Jesus, so that when Satan comes to knock at your door, Jesus will go and open it, and as soon as the devil sees the face of Christ looking through the door, he will turn tail. Within that, there might be specific things within the work of Jesus that become part of the exchange.

Let’s say your familiar giant is the addiction of overeating. If you feel chaos in your life, then you run to food. As Jesus works in your life and the giant of overeating falls, then you will still be tempted to run to something. Jesus invites you to run to him. Ask Jesus to put something new in your life in exchange for the food. I don’t mean you simply swap addictions. I mean you replace the negative with something positive. Maybe you run to a familiar passage of Scripture that you take comfort in. Or maybe you simply go for a walk around your neighborhood; you spend that time walking and talking in intimacy with Christ, telling him how you feel, casting your cares upon him, allowing his Holy Spirit to minister to your heart and mind.

Will there be lapses? Maybe. Your giant is dead, but just like those snake bodies, they might wriggle from time to time. Lapses can be part of the discipleship process. We don’t ever need to make excuses for them, but the pattern of repeatedly needed grace is shown in Scripture, even if we closely walk with Jesus. Sometimes Jesus’ healing work in our lives is instant and total. But at other times it’s a process. Grace abounds. Repent, and God will always forgive. Then get back on track in your relationship with God.

We hope you enjoyed our 6-day journey of walking with Jesus. He wants you to walk freely from the voices of your giants and lean into Him by stepping into His victory on the cross. We pray that His finished work is your fuel for your continued walk with your Good Shepherd.

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