Average time per day for this plan: 7 Minutes
You are working on lesson 4.
Caught in the Food Fixation Trap?
This Means War: The Battle for Satisfaction
What Are You Hungry for?
True Fullness Comes from God
The Invitation to Find Lasting Satisfaction
True Fullness Comes from God

Read: John 6:32-35, Philippians 2:5-11, Colossians 1:15-19, Colossians 2:9-10, Psalm 90:14

Imagine what life would look like if …

… your appetite was proportional to your physical needs and you ate from a place of contentment?

… your mind was filled with Scriptural truths about who you are in Christ?

… your default response to stress or anxiety was to fall at Jesus’ feet?

… your restlessness was replaced with peace and joy?

Sound too good to be true? On the contrary, this is the full life that Jesus promises to those who find their satisfaction in Him.

Two thousand years ago, Jesus boldly declared that He is the Bread of Life Who satisfies our deepest needs, a miracle greater than the manna the Israelites received in the wilderness.

He was qualified to make this grandiose statement because He is very God of very God; all the fullness of the Deity lives in Him in bodily form. Think of that for a moment. The totality of God, which cannot be grasped by our human minds, took on the nature of a servant and humbled Himself to the point of death on a cross out of His great love for us. He was then exalted to the highest place of honor, demonstrating His supremacy over all of creation. There is literally nothing we need that we don’t already have in Him; He is Lord over all, and all of God’s fullness dwells in Him.

But not only that -- Jesus also offers that fullness to all who feast on Him, the Bread of Life.

That’s mind-boggling.

Because of Jesus, we can live out of a place of spiritual abundance. Everything we need is already ours in Him. Christ is enough.

So what does it look like to feast on God and experience the full life? Tomorrow, on our last day of this devotional, we will look at a practical way to do just that, but for today, reflect on the beautiful promise of fullness Jesus offers us, and worship Him for the beauty of who He is.

Reflection Questions: 

-- What’s holding you back from experiencing the full life Jesus secured for His followers?

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