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Grateful for Victory

Scripture: John 20:1-18, Romans 8:37, 1 Corinthians 15:54-58

Victory is an exhilarating feeling. To win at something in life means that we rose above, conquered, and achieved a desired outcome. Sometimes it means we pull ahead of others and are awarded titles or trophies, attached to feelings of triumph and celebration.

But what about the victory that is impossible for us to achieve in our own power, but is only obtained by another who is willing to step in and win on our behalf? It’s humbling and inspiring that someone else would go to bat for you and I so that we might know victory in our lives.

There is no greater victory in which we stand than to have been rescued out of the clutches of sin and Satan, to stand forever victorious in freedom and right-standing with God! Dead in our sin, we could do nothing for ourselves. But God, through Jesus – his life, death, and resurrection – accomplished the greatest victory for our lives. Through Jesus we are called whole and complete [Colossians 2:10], adopted [Romans 8:17], forgiven [Psalm 103:12], free [Romans 8:1-2], more than conquerors [Romans 8:37], reconciled to God [Romans 5:10], a new creation [2 Corinthians 5:17], and blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ [Ephesians 1:3]. And that’s just a start!

After reading through the passages of Scripture today, consider what your response could be as an offering of gratitude in light of Christ’s triumph. Write a prayer of thanks to Jesus for all He has secured for you.

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