People use self-esteem as a guideline for living their lives. This is a great concept if you don’t look at self-esteem the way the world looks at it. The world ties it to how you perceive others’ views of you and how you view yourself. This is a false characterization of what self-esteem truly is. In its truest form, it is embracing your identity in Christ. It should come from understanding that you are a child of the King! God has given you the ability to develop excellent self-esteem when you own your identity in Jesus, as this message explains.
"Biblical Self-Esteem" by Dr. Michael Youssef
2 Corinthians 10:12
Jesus, I want to embrace my identity in You. Help me understand who I am and how to align my feelings of self-worth to You.
Am I relying on how the world defines self-esteem, or how God defines it?
Replace your ideas of self-esteem with what God says about who you are.
It’s time to let go of the world’s definition of self-esteem and self-worth, and start replacing it with God’s view. Your confidence shouldn’t come from an external source. It can come only from being confident of who you are in Christ. Real self-confidence is God-given, as the next post explains.
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