Average time per day for this plan: 7 Minutes
You are working on lesson 5.
Emmanuel: God is with You
Wonderful Counselor: His Understanding is Infinite
Mighty God: God is for You
Everlasting Father: God Loves You
Prince of Peace: He is All Around You
Prince of Peace: He is All Around You

 “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” Psalm 19:1 NIV 

Have you ever felt like God was far away, far removed from your daily life and the heartaches and struggles you are going through? Maybe work is chaotic or your household is in an uproar and it’s hard to imagine that God is near. 

In those lonely moments, step into nature. Take a walk or turn your gaze out your office window and you’ll see the evidence of God. The heavens declare it, the skies proclaim it – the glory of God can be seen in all his creation! The beauty of a sunset, the hush of softly falling snow, the glory of the turning leaves of fall – these are all beautiful reminders that God is near. 

He has not forgotten his creation. He has not forgotten you. The Prince of Peace is in control. Let this truth sink into your soul. Let his peace saturate your very being. He is here.  

He is Emmanuel. God is with you and with me. God is with us. 

Additional reading. Psalm 8:3-4, Psalm 111:2-4, John 14:27

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