Average time per day for this plan: 7 Minutes
You are working on lesson 5.
Toiling and Spinning
Grown in Glory
Divine Design
Community in Colonies
Clothed in Color
Born to Bloom
Digging Deeper - ONE
Clothed in Color

In Luke 12:27, Jesus offered the great King Solomon as the closest comparison to the lily in being clothed in all his glory. Regarded as one of the greatest kings of all time, he had it all—God’s blessing, wisdom, extraordinary wealth, vast amounts of land, a huge family, and anything he desired.

King Solomon’s palace was another expression of his great wealth. 1 Kings 7 describes that every wall and ceiling were made of wood from the Cedar of Lebanon tree, decorated with precious metals, brilliant stones, and rich woods offering visual splendor. Tables, chairs, utensils, and the like were made of pure gold. The large bronze pillars were fashioned with capitals. Chain work that sat on their tops was adorned with pomegranate design finished off with impressions of the lily.

Just imagine the magnificent artwork that gave life to his palace. I envision murals telling the remarkable stories of God, King David, the Mighty Men, and the beauty of the Holy Land. Colorful fabrics must have bordered the windows, covered the beds, and accessorized the living quarters, breathtaking and bold in appearance.

With such lavish living quarters for him and his family, then just as Jesus said, Solomon must have been adorned in such riches, clothed in eye-catching and audacious colors. Ushered into the throne room and into the presence of the king, everyone could see Solomon’s garments told of his wealth and stature.

Rich colors, fine fabrics, pure fragrances, lustrous metals, and brilliant stones identified the prestigious then, and to this day, the wealthy still set themselves apart by incorporating these items of luxury into their lives as well. And what woman doesn’t love beautiful clothing, striking and stunning, setting us apart from others as we walk into a room? But as the Creator, God knew humans would be intoxicated with the visual aspect of life. And why not? After all, God created beauty, and we are drawn to His creation.  

Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.

Proverbs 31:30

We know from experience that this verse is true, so how do we continue to shine like the lily, bold and radiant in all its color through every season of our lives?

We must take heart in the preparation season. Like the grand Gardener He is, God provides us with rich food to feast on in His Word, along with the perfect amount of light and warmth to sit in His presence. So when He whispers, “It’s time,” we can explode through the soil, bloomin the diverse, striking colors He crafted each one of us to have. Not because of the showy fabric with which we clothe our bodies, but because our hearts and spirits are strong, full of wisdom and power to shine brightly for the world to see.

Sisters, the lily rests in the truth that to be bold, brilliant, and breath-taking, it must be fed from the inside out. Together, let’s discover how God wants to clothe us in color, by His hand, in His ways.


What character qualities do you most want God to develop and grow in your heart and spirit?


What internal attributes have people affirmed that they see in you?


Glorious One, thank You for the gift of beauty in the world You created. But thank You that as human beauty fades, You allow us to become even more beautiful in our hearts and spirits by displaying Your love and grace in our lives. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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