Some people get nervous when churches talk about giving. Maybe it’s because we listen to the lies of Satan telling us that we’ve worked hard for what we have and just giving our money away isn’t worth the sweat that we put into making it. Or maybe you are squirming in your seat because of another lie -- that your finances are too tight to give anything. A generous giver needs to dismiss those lies and remember that God will take care of you when you do what He asks of you. He is the source of all material blessings, pouring them out generously for us. We must be more like Him and pour out blessings to others through generous giving. This is how we will truly find joy, as this post explains.
"Generosity and Trends in Giving" by Ron Blue
In the Bible, Jesus says that Satan comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy (John 10:10). He also says that Satan is the father of lies (John 8:44). One of the greatest blessings of the body of Christ is its capacity to meet the needs of its members through generosity, service, and sacrifice. When Satan succeeds in destroying this flow of love and grace in the church through his lies, I am sure he rejoices.
Two things can happen when Christians are confronted face to face with need and challenged to give. One, Satan can steal the joy of giving by whispering to us messages of guilt. How many of you ever had to eat your dinner, in full, because someone on the other half of the globe was starving? Probably most of you. I did. Guilt is a powerful motivator, and we let Satan steal the joy of giving when we listen to his lies and believe that we should feel guilty for all that we have and for whom God has made us to be. The fact is: Jesus died because we could never atone for our own guilt before a holy God. When He died, He abolished cause for guilt for a Christian (Romans 8:1) so that we could respond to His grace out of gratitude, not out of guilt. We are also now free to give out of gratitude for His grace and provision, rather than out of guilt for being born in a certain time, into a certain zip code, with a certain set of privileges.
Alternately, we can allow Satan to kill our desire to give when we believe the lie that our finances are just too tight to give anything. When we believe this lie, we forget that God is the Source of all material blessing. We begin to worship our money as our source of provision rather than remembering that He owns “the cattle on a thousand hills” (Psalm 50:10). We are to be wise stewards, but the vast majority of Americans can truly afford to be generous materially and with our time. Buying into the lie that giving is a last priority rather than a first priority in our finances robs us of the freedom that results from opening our hand and sharing our resources with the needs that God reveals.
God is a generous and gracious God. We are called to be generous and gracious people. However you encounter need today, I pray that you are free from guilt and from hyper-control when it comes to your financial life. I pray that you experience the joy of giving and find victory over the father of lies.
2 Corinthians 9:7
Father, help me identify and then let go of the lies I’m believing about being generous. Help me be more like You and pour out my blessings to others
What lies am I believing when it comes to being generous?
Repent from believing that what you have can’t be shared with others and instead open up your life to the joy of giving.
If you find yourself a little uncomfortable in a conversation about generosity, it’s a good thing. It means that God is speaking to you about the lies you are believing. It’s time to let go of those lies of selfishness or lack. Instead, God wants you to realize how much He has for you, and then He wants you to generously share what you have to bless others. Our generosity is borne out of gratitude for all God provides for us, as the next post explains.