Read Matthew 5:14-16.
As a Christ follower, in all our relationships we are to be a part of discipling and encouraging other believers, while being a witness and encouragement to any non-believers. This is honestly a straightforward and simple biblical worldview. If you know someone knows Jesus, then “be Jesus” by spurring that person on to grow and mature. If you know a non-believer, “be Jesus” by living out your faith in a way to attract the person to Him.
In the Holy Land, the Sea of Galilee is full of life and has beautiful shores. Just a few miles south, the same water flows into the Dead Sea. There is no life there. Everything is dead, hence the name. The reason is it has no outlet, only an inlet. As Christ followers, we must have both in our lives.
As a man who follows Christ, commit to be intentional about:
If you live by these six commitments, you will be different. Your life will not reflect religion, but a relationship with Jesus. Even in this culture, no one can debate or argue away a changed life. Living a life of godliness and holiness through the power of the Holy Spirit will make us better men, husbands, fathers, sons, friends, workers, church members, and any role God gives us.
God does not call us to move into the mountains to become religious monks and devote every waking thought only to Him. He does, however, call each of us into a relationship with Him to go into the world, making disciples as we live our lives for Him.
Our mission in life is to follow Jesus Christ -- to be His sons, servants, leaders, and ambassadors in our world. Represent Him. Make a difference. Give our lives up for His life, as He did His own for us.
Of the six commitments listed, in which one are you the strongest and which one the weakest? What is one step you can take today to strengthen in these?