If, as a famous book once said, men are from Mars and women are from Venus, it stands to reason that Martians and Venutians operate in two atmospheres. Not to get overly astronomical here, but what works on Venus might freeze to death on Mars.
Carolyn Mahaney, wife to C.J. for 30 years, shares some of her secrets to the best ways a wife can romance her husband. And, it should be noted, her methods vary wildly from the ones he outlined the day before.
But it has apparently worked well for 30 years, so consider the source.
"How a Woman Should Romance Her Husband" by Carolyn Mahaney
Father, thank You for increasing our understanding of what love means. There are many kinds of love, but at the center of all of them is You because You are love. And because love never fails, You never fail. For this, we give You praise. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. — Colossians 3:18
" ... a prudent wife is from the Lord." — Proverbs 19:14
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