It's a Matter of Life and Death... and Life!

Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:21-23

All who are related to Christ . .. will be given new life. 1 Corinthians 15:22

Tex was a very wealthy man who was well-liked. When Tex died and his will was opened, the family found Tex’s plans for his funeral. Topping his instructions was a request to be buried in his prized possession: a gold-plated, diamond-studded Rolls Royce convertible worth over a million dollars. Tex’s family loved him dearly, so they followed his funeral plans to the letter.

The big day came, and the entire town turned out to view the funeral procession. It included marching bands and Cadillacs full of politicians. But the main attraction was the Rolls Royce convertible. Just like he wanted, Tex was propped up in the back seat wearing his most expensive suit. His eyes were glued open and a broad smile had been pasted on his face. As the chauffeur-driven car came into view, the crowds cheered.

Meanwhile, down by the railroad tracks, a stranger hopped off a slow-moving freight train hoping to find something to eat in town. Attracted by the commotion on Main Street, the stranger pushed through the crowd to find out what was happening. When the gold Rolls Royce came into view, the stranger’s eyes bugged out. Focusing on the handsome, dignified passenger sitting in the expensive convertible and hear­ing the enthusiastic applause of the crowd, the stranger exclaimed to those around him, “Now that’s what I call really living!”

Major cluelessness, huh? Tex had all the appearances of living high, but the guy riding in the Rolls Royce couldn’t have been more dead. Tex and his beautiful car would soon be an earthworm playground six feet underground.

We might not like to think about it, but unless the Rapture happens first, each of us has an appointment with the undertaker. Your great-great-great … grandfather Adam had a nose, so you have a nose. He had armpits, so you have armpits. He died after 930 years, so we’ll each die after 930 years—give or take a few centuries.

But we are also related to Jesus Christ, the conqueror of death. When we trusted Him, Christ’s resurrection power raised us to life spiritually. At the end of this world, His resurrection power will raise His followers to life physically.

He will locate the bones or ashes that were once you and change your remains into a glorious body like His own (see Philippians 3 :21). Just as surely as Christ came out of His grave alive, you also will come out of your grave alive.

REFLECT: What do you really expect to happen to you when you die? How does the resurrection of Jesus reassure you that your own resurrection will be real?

PRAY: Tell God about your expectations of living with him for eternity.

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