Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. Heb. 12:1
Do you ever feel like giving up? I know I do. Right now the race that is set before me seems too hard to run. Circumstances surrounding both myself and my loved ones become so overwhelming at times, I just want to go to bed and stay there.
God will not allow us to give up if we give our lives and wills to him. He will push us and even carry us when our legs are refusing to take another step, or when our hearts are so heavy our spirits seem too weak to carry the weight.
Those are the times we let go and let God. Those are the times we don't give up but instead lay our burdens down at the feet of God and obey His will for us. Our legs will run and our spirits will soar like wings of eagles.
God does test our faith. Sometimes circumstances arise in our lives that are insurmountable for us as humans to endure. These are not accidents but instead they occur by God's will to bring us closer to him, a chance to know Him and trust in Him even greater than we already do.
So I will lay my burden down. I will run this race God has set before me and I will triumph in the end. My faith will carry me across the finish line. My heart will rest in Him. My soul is now at peace.
Written by Lynn Gipson