7 Ways to Get Promoted

"Servants, do what you're told by your earthly masters. And don't just do the minimum that will get you by. Do your best. Work from the heart for your real Master, for God, confident that you'll get paid in full when you come into your inheritance. Keep in mind always that the ultimate Master you're serving is Christ. The sullen servant who does shoddy work will be held responsible. Being a follower of Jesus doesn't cover up bad work." Colossians 3:22-25, The Message

Today’s message is for employees everywhere!

Your boss likes you – that’s why he or she hired you. God wants you to succeed – that’s why He gave you gifts. Your co-workers really want a great working relationship with you – after all you’re spending eight hours a day together. There is no reason on Planet Earth that you should not be an amazing employee with a fulfilling work life!

So, all things being equal, what would cause any employee to fall short of this possibility? What would cause any employee to fail, flounder, be demoted or even fired? Better yet, what would help any employee to succeed, flourish, enjoy and see promotion at the job?

Today, let’s look at “7 Ways to Get Promoted” according to the passage above in Colossians:

Do What You’re Told: When you work for someone else – you are the employee. If you’re not signing your own checks, you’re not the boss. Someone has given you an opportunity. Someone else has paid the price to have a business or organization that has the capacity to hire you – honor that. Do what you have been asked, hired and told to do. Don’t question every directive. Don’t argue. Don’t have a pity-party and sulk. Don’t take two steps forward and then one step backwards by doing what you’re told “sometimes.” Do it every time! If you will do what you are told time and time and time again, one day, your boss will ask you for some input. Your boss might even ask what you think, or what you would do. One day, after you’ve proven you can do what you’re told, your boss will trust you and you’ll be in line for promotion.

Don’t Just Do the Minimum: Always go the extra mile and cover all the bases. Don’t turn in work that is not done. Don’t miss deadlines. Pick up the pace. Don’t procrastinate. Don’t make your boss have to follow up with you or track down your progress – give it to him or her before the deadline. Never make your boss do your job – that means don’t make them have to do anything you should have figured out or taken care of. When you go over and above, time and time again, your boss will take note of you.

Do Your Best: For the sake of your own self-respect, do your best. If you cannot give your best day after day – you are in the wrong job. Start seeking other employment immediately.

Work From the Heart: Going through the motions is a drag for everyone. Do what you do from your heart – not your head, not your to-do list, not your deadlines and not just for a paycheck. All the issues of life come out of your heart – including the issue of your work/job/vocation – so always listen to and follow your heart as you give your best on the job. Most bosses can overlook mistakes when they know their employee’s mistake was just a human error and not a heart problem.

Work For the Lord: While in the 9-5, you are working for a human boss – in the scheme of God’s kingdom, you are really working for the Lord. Don’t waste time. Don’t steal. Don’t cheat. The Bible says that promotion doesn’t come from the east or the west, the north or the south – promotion comes from the Lord. So you can rest assured that when God counts you faithful, He will promote and reward you in this life and the next!

Don’t Be Moody: Nothing is more frustrating to a boss and fellow co-workers than a moody, sullen employee. Don’t make people have to walk on eggshells around you. Make a decision to pour yourself into a happy face and a positive attitude every day. Smile. Say hi. Whistle while you work. Be happy. Every boss likes to be surrounded by happy, positive people.

Don’t Do Anything Less Than Excellent: Remember the Queen of Sheba? She was wowed by the excellence of Solomon’s “organization.” Let that inspire you to always do things with the “Wow Factor!” Pretend you’re the owner or boss – how would you want things done? What little things would you notice or care about? Do those things! Don’t wow your boss with your less than excellent work or your “Oops – I forgot again,” excuses. Instead, consistently wow your boss with stellar work, and you are guaranteed promotion.

Today, get busy working on these 7 things. In due time, God will see to it that promotion and increase come your way.

Say It: “Father, I ask You to help me up my game and be the best employee I can be. Make me a blessing to my employer, boss, company and organization. Let me be an example of everything a godly, Christ-like employee represents. In Jesus' Name. Amen.”

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