Rest for the Weary

Genesis 18:4

Let a little water be brought, and then you may all wash your feet and rest under this tree.

We are a tired race.  No wonder we are tired…we rush around like rats on a wheel and we never stop. Think about it: we put our children in programs as early as three years old; we sign our children up for any and every activity under the sun because we don’t want them to get behind or God forbid, get bored.  What is wrong with us? We are doing this to ourselves!  Be brave, moms! Be brave and say, “NO!” Be secure within your own self to not conform to the crazy scheduling-- it just makes you tired.  You will be too tired and worn out to handle the really important things in life like discipline, obedience, teaching the difference between right and wrong, and why we choose to do what is right even when it’s hard.  Let’s get real: when you are exhausted, who has the energy to discipline a five year old or a teenager? Nobody. 

What does this look like in real life terms?  Put limits on your schedule.  Don’t say yes to everything.  Make sure what you are saying yes to is worthy, because there will be an area that suffers or is sacrificed because of it.  For instance, if you have multiple children and you enroll your son to play football, the other children will suffer, while you drag them to practices. Sometimes it is worth the sacrifice, but make sure it is worth it. If your son is somewhat excited, maybe now is not the time to put the extra scheduling demands on your family.  If your son is enthusiastic, then by all means, go for it. But, don’t make those decisions lightly.  Sometimes the whole family needs to hit pause and just rest for a season.



Give me courage…courage to say no to the pull of culture that is always baiting my family and I to do more.  I need to be confident enough in myself and the direction my family is going, to say no.  Reveal to me what is most important and what will make a difference in the long run in my children’s lives.




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