God Speaks

For God speaks in one way, and in two, though man does not perceive it. (Job 33:14 ESV)

Sometimes we read the Word and we just don’t take it in fully. I have to stop myself often and think about the context and the situation of when it was written. Take the book of Job for instance.

Most believe that Job is one of the first books of the Bible ever written. Now, with that in mind, read ‘For God speaks’ and mull on that for a bit. Elihu was chastising his friend Job, telling him that God speaks in different ways. So true! He does speak to us in so many ways . . . but for Job and his peers, they did not have any Holy Scriptures in their hands  . . . yet they heard from God. How crazy! What faith these men must have had! No, what they heard from God was not written down, but shown to them in different ways. Because He does speak.

I have a friend who recently shared with me that she had texted God.

Yes, you heard that correctly. She was hurting and lonely and decided to send a text to ‘God’ and spill her heart out. My knee-jerk reaction was of course, ‘Did anyone reply?’

What a relief to find out no. Even she laughed at my enquiry. She never expected a reply, but somehow typing out her lament helped her to put into words – and then cyberspace – the ache in her heart.

God may not have a texting address, but He does still speak. He left us His Word. We need not yell out to the skies, begging Him to make Himself known or to send out texts asking for advice. We only need to pick up the Bible, ask the Holy Spirit to guide us, and read it with expectant hearts.

Father, we thank You that You speak to us in so many ways. Forgive us for living out our spiritual lives in a monologue, not taking time to let You speak to us. Change our hearts that we would desire Your word and time in stillness to hear from You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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