Read: Mark 12:30
Long before there was an earth, there was God. Long before there were seasons, planets, rain showers and snow showers, there was God. Before there were humans, there was God.
Then God made Adam and began a relationship with him before making Eve.
When Eve was formed, God began a relationship with her, too, before children even entered the picture.
The order: God. Then man and woman. Then children.
What does this say to us? That God was before all, is above all, is the center of it all. Our relationship with God must take precedence in our lives—otherwise, all other subsequent relationship will be weak.
Mark 12:30 says, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” It goes on to say that this is the greatest commandment. If our hearts are not bound first and foremost to our Creator, we cannot truly love others the way God intends for us to love them. From the overflow of God’s love for us comes our love for our spouse.
If we are having marriage difficulties today—communication gaps, resentful feelings, struggles with faithfulness—perhaps we should take a moment to evaluate our relationship with Christ. Is it first, before all things? Does it take precedence above all other relationships? Is our cup full? It needs to be in order for it to flow out to others around us, including our spouses.
This is the first and most elemental question in our marriages: Is God truly first? Always? In everything? If not, what can we do to make Him so?