Expect Jesus

Wait and hope for and expect the Lord; be brave and of good courage and let your heart be stout and enduring. Yes, wait for and hope for and expect the Lord. Psalm 27:14, AMP

One of the hardest days of my life was moving two thousand miles away from two of my children. My husband had gotten a job in another state and we were moving with our youngest two children. My oldest son was planning a wedding and he wasn’t about to move. Our oldest daughter was finishing up classes at the junior college and had no desire to move away from school and friends.

My husband’s job was a ministry position, and we knew we were making the right choice. Still, I was lacking when it came to being brave and having courage. My heart felt like melted butter in my chest. My desire to be surrounded by my children was out the door. Then I remembered Jesus…

Jesus faced life on earth. He knew what it was like to be away from family. Once He started His ministry He was far from home. Not only that, He had a longing for His Father’s kingdom. Remembering that Jesus understood my heartache helped me to turn to Him. I spent many mornings with my Bible and journal, looking to Him to show up in Spirit and guide me to the perfect passage that would carry me through my day. As He met me during those times, I came to expect Him more.

Six months after we moved, my daughter transferred to a college near us. Three months after that, my son and his new wife moved to live near us too. It’s not something I expected, but I was thankful. I was also thankful that I learned to trust Jesus and hope in Him in new ways. I can’t expect that things will always turn out how I desire, but I do know that when I turn to Jesus He will be there to see me through.

FAITH STEP: Think of an impossible situation you’re facing. Write down three things that are bothering you about the situation then cross them out and write this: EXPECT JESUS.

Contributed by Tricia Goyer

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