TITUS 3:5-8
When we encounter opportunities to serve God, we don’t always respond in the way He desires. Perhaps we think we can’t because our schedule is too busy or we don’t feel qualified.
Those knee-jerk reactions slam a door closed before we’ve discovered whether or not the Lord wants us to go through it. You’ve probably never thought of a refusal to serve God as a type of idolatry, but that’s what it is—bowing down to self instead of submitting to Him.
The Lord desires that His servants be willing to do anything—and that they will seek His specific plan for them. He uniquely gifts followers to serve according to His will. But when we’ve already decided what we can’t do, won’t do, or are ill-equipped to do, then we’re acting by our own will. That doesn’t work.
You may serve the Lord as a godly parent, as a factory worker who shares the gospel with coworkers, or as a friend who takes time to listen to the hurting. No restriction exists on what God can do through the life of a willing helper. The strength of His Spirit overcomes human limitations. Don’t have enough courage? God can fix that. Don’t have the right skills? God can fix that.
Laying down our excuses is the wisest thing to do when serving the Lord. Trust that He will empower you to do whatever He calls you to do—and will see to it that you’re properly equipped and trained to do it (Eph. 2:10; 2 Tim. 3:16-17). All He asks is that you say yes.