Blessed Assurance

1 John 5:10-13

In terms of salvation, all of us fall into one of four categories:

• We are saved and we know it.

• We think we are saved, but we’re not.

• We don’t claim to be saved.

• We’re not saved but would like to be.

In which category do you find yourself? Salvation is God’s deliverance of the believer—through Jesus Christ—from all the effects of sin. It is God’s work in the human heart, and it’s accompanied by all the benefits He bestows on us now and forever.

We need to know beyond a shadow of a doubt where we are going to spend eternity. That certainty is available to every one of us. Do you have that kind of assurance? If you are not confident that you have eternal salvation, I urge you to settle this most important decision of your life right now.

First, realize that God desires to save everyone (1 Tim. 2:4). Not only does He want to save everyone, but He also provided the way to salvation through His Son (John 3:16)—He has told us we must believe in Jesus Christ (Acts 16:31) and we must confess Him before men (Rom. 10:10).

Our heavenly Father is faithful to keep His promises. If you trust in Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, He will save you from your sin and welcome you into His family (John 1:12)—without regard to merit or worth on your part. Eternal life will be yours. And He offers this gift freely to all who believe in His Son. Will you receive it?

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