Why You Have Everything You Need for Your God-Given Dream

Sometimes I ask strangers personal questions at weird moments—like at the McDonald’s drive thru. For example, a couple weeks ago I drove through Mickey D’s to purchase my daily unsweet iced tea. While at the drive-up window, I wanted to encourage the young man who served me so I asked, “If there was one thing that you could do with your life, what would that one thing be?”

He looked at me as if I had lost my marbles, then grinned and said, “I want to become a businessman. I want to own one of those big offices like we have downtown.”

“Great!” I said. “What is one thing that you can do this week to move toward that dream?”

“Go to school,” he responded. “I’m starting classes this week.”

“Fantastic! That’s awesome.” I said. “Have a great day!” I shouted as I drove away.

I love asking people this “If-there-was-one-thing” question. I also think it’s interesting that lots of people say they can’t pursue their dream because they don’t have what they need.

“I can’t because I don’t have the money.”

“I can’t because I don’t have the education.”

“I can’t because I don’t have the courage.”

“I can’t because I don’t have the time.”

“I can’t because I don’t have influence.”

My response is, “Of course you don’t have what you need. That’s the way it always works.”

No one who accomplishes anything for God has everything they need when they start to move toward their dream or purpose.

When Noah received the assignment from God to build the ark, he didn’t have the supplies to build it or the animals to fill it. When Moses headed toward the Promise Land, he didn’t have the ability to get the people across the Red Sea. When Nehemiah first had the desire to reconstruct Jerusalem’s wall, he didn’t have a crew, the supplies, or King Artaxerxe’s approval.

So, if no one has everything they need upfront to pursue their dream, what’s the difference between someone who follows the desires of their heart, and someone who doesn’t? The answer is simple: hope. When you have hope, you will also have faith to act and move forward because faith springs from hope (Col. 1:5).

If you have hope, you have everything you need to start out toward your God-given dream. If God has placed the desire to succeed in your heart, it’s His responsibility to move the obstacles you will face, just as He did for Noah, Moses, and Nehemiah.

When I recently decided to relocate to Georgia, I didn’t have everything I needed for my new home or the money to relocate. God provided. When I decided to go on a multi-state book tour, I didn't have the financial resources when I answered God’s call to go. God provided. When I chose to move to London, England to go to college, I didn't have all my financial provision up front. In hope, I even booked my flight before I paid for my tuition. God provided. When I decided to become a writer, I didn't have the college education; others were more qualified. God provided—and is still providing.

It’s your responsibility to say yes to your God-given dream; it’s God’s responsibility to bring it to pass.

So, if there is one thing that you could do with your life, what would that one thing be?

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