From time to time, we all have our doubts. Most of the time, the doubts we have are harmless. But doubting God is a big deal. It's hazardous, unhealthy, extremely serious and toxic for our souls.
There are a lot of things that we can confidently declare are good. If God declares it, we can be more than confident that it's good. And one of those things is marriage. But not everybody experiences that.
When is the last time we stepped back and took inventory of how we're living? Have we stopped and asked, "Are we doing this right?" From time to time, we all get confused about life. Therefore, we need God's wisdom.
The book of James is primarily written to Jewish Christians under severe persecution for their faith in Jesus, and one of the first things the half-brother of Jesus tells them is to "count it all joy." Sounds nuts, right? Look closer.
In one of the New Testament's shortest books, the Bible makes clear that false teachers will come under judgment and that we should wrestle against those who practice such things.
It is important for us to remember who we are in Jesus Christ because behavior follows identity. In the first verses of Jude, we are told that we are called, beloved in God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ.