Much like my 6-year-old this morning reluctant to practice his letters line by line before the screen time was released – I find the practice of prayer journaling to be both liberating and infuriating.
In our western side of the world, we battle with a different kind of oppression. It’s poverty inverted. It’s extreme wealth. We battle the temptation to believe there is nothing we can do to change the reality of people living in poverty.
It was a picture of how the church should be. Transformation at the center of everything. Honest questions about the demonstrated power of God in a person's life.
The false image of God I had was shattered. I thought God was mad at me, that I was in trouble. But Jesus came with open arms, unconditional love and welcomed me home.
No matter how high our hands are raised or how amazing the singing or how high tech the lighting, the Spirit of the Lord is far from us because we are far from the poor.
The global stats are one in three women have experienced sexual assault. Those statistics should awaken us to the reality of what girls face growing up in a world that continues to remain inequitable.