“Are you happy?”
If you’re struggling on this one... just to be sure... ask your family.
If the answer is “NO”, then it may be time to seriously and honestly reflect. It may be time to make some changes in your life... Work Less, Play More / or Work More and Play Less... ?
Sometimes it’s more subtle than that.
Sometimes its internal change we really need. A shift in our understanding of life and the role we’re actually playing in it. We can feel adrift... lost and out of control, or we can choose to trust there is a guiding hand along the way. That’s a change in our attitude and it can make a HUGE difference in our happiness.
Choices need to be made. Decisions arrived at and courage called upon to make those changes. Otherwise, you and I will be exactly the same next year as we are right now. Guaranteed.
Be careful though... . happiness can’t simply be created by swapping out for a new spouse, better job or thicker bank account. Happiness comes from within... never from without. Don’t buy into the ageless lie... “if only _________, then I would be happy”.
Remember that we alone have the power to be happy or not.
Our kids are watching... waiting, hoping to find some happiness in their parents. If they can’t find it in our homes or in us, where the heck do you think they’re going to go in search of it?
- Something to think about.
- Something to act on.
- Something to leave behind.
Happiness and Hope. They give our lives richness... and beautiful context for faith to flourish. Without it, we’re dry bones.
Jesus, as described in scripture, wasn't always happy.
He was always purposeful, filled with hope and confident in His father’s plan for his life. He’s offering ALL of that to ANYONE who sincerely places their trust in Him. That’s supposed to be us...
- Don’t over-think your faith.
- Don’t under-estimate your role in the grand master plan of life.
Live on parents... Live on!