Son, when you make a vow, I want you to keep it no matter the consequences. When Moses decided not to circumcise his child, he was breaking a vow to honor this symbol of our covenant. Marriage is another of those sacred vows. I desire that marriage last forever. I never change my mind about a vow. I never use grace as a ticket to excuse me from fulfilling a vow, nor should you. Sometimes this commitment will require you to accept difficult consequences, even when made under false pretenses like my son Joshua experienced with the Gibeonites (Josh 9). Fulfilling vows may put you in positions you never thought you'd have to face. My son Hosea fulfilled his marriage vow even though his wife, Gomer, was continually unfaithful to him (Hosea 2). He experienced great pain in this, but I called him to demonstrate faithfulness in the face of unfaithfulness. My people needed to see the truth of my covenant with them. Remember this my son, "I honor those who fear me; and those who are willing to swear to their own hurt and do not change in the face of hardship.
Vows made to You are binding upon me, O God; I will render praises to You. Psalms 56:12
In whose eyes a vile person is despised, but he honors those who fear the LORD; He who swears to his own hurt and does not change. Psalm 15: 4