Direction for the Journey

If we don’t want to be two faced when we lead, we need to know what deeply held values form the foundation for how we live our life and the choices we make. For followers of Jesus, these values come from Scripture.

Your personal values, together with your personal mission statement, will guide your journey and give you direction in your life. They define our “rules of engagement” with the world. 

Several years ago I spent a lot of time writing my values vision statement.  I prioritized the values that were most important in my life, then defined those values, and finally I described what those values looked like in my life. I’m sharing them with you as encouragement for you to do the same. 

My Core Values

  • Faith–standing firm in Christ, seeking the things of God first
  • Integrity–matching my actions to my words and promises, holding myself accountable and making amends as quickly as possible when I fall short
  • Gratitude–taking time daily to be thankful and appreciate my blessings
  • Family–having quality time with Bill, kids, grandkids, and extended family
  • Love One Another–seeing all people through Jesus’ heart, and eyes, respecting all
  • Courage–mastering my fears through trust in God
  • Generosity–sharing my resources, time, talent, money with those in need
  • Creativity–innovation, play, balance, finding joy, weaving

 My Values Vision Statement

I will put God first in my heart and life. This is evident when I spend time in rest, quiet, in prayer and when I love others, treating them with respect and compassion. I will walk with integrity, matching my actions with my values. I spend quality time with Bill and create opportunities to be with family. Whatever happens, I am thankful for all I have been given. I will share my time, talent, and treasure to help people grow, deepen, and reach their full God given potential. I will trust God for holy courage as I live out His calling on my life with joy and creativity.

How do your personal values guide your leadership journey and give you direction in your life?

Written by Meg Hancock

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