The Wisdom of God

Romans 11:33-36

From Genesis to Revelation, God’s wisdom is seen through His interactions with mankind. But there’s one supreme event in human history where we clearly see how He meticulously worked all the details together to reveal His role in our redemption. 

The Conception. Jesus was no ordinary baby because His life didn’t begin at conception. He has always existed as the eternal Son of God (Mic. 5:2; John 1:1-2), but He came to earth as a baby, conceived in a virgin’s womb by the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:34-35). His conception was a divine miracle. 

The Town. Why did God choose the small, insignificant town of Bethlehem for Christ’s birthplace? A clue is found in the name, which means “house of bread.” Later in His life, Jesus would refer to Himself as “the true bread out of heaven” (John 6:32-33). 

The Setting. A manger may be quaint at a Christmas pageant, but it was not an ideal place for an infant to sleep. Jesus was born among livestock because He is “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). 

The Announcement. Instead of broadcasting the news of the Messiah’s birth to the religious or political leaders, the angel came to shepherds that night because the Good Shepherd had arrived (John 10:11). 

The common thread in these details of Christ’s birth is His identification with the lowly. Although He is King of Kings, He didn’t come to exalt over us, but to live with us and die for us. Since God’s wisdom is displayed in humility, we, too, must humble ourselves in order to become wise.

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