The Truth About Believers

John 15:1-5

When I became a believer, someone patted me on the shoulder and said, “Do the best you can,” which is neither biblical nor helpful advice. A while later, I was discipled by some faithful saints, who taught me the truth about believers.

A believer is identified as a child of God. Through prayer, we have access to our Father at any time, and we can expect that He will be faithful to every one of His promises. What’s more, we are no longer classified as “sinners,” a term describing those who have not received Jesus Christ as Savior. We’ve been transformed into saints—holy persons saved by grace and set apart for God’s purposes. Sin and temptation will continue to be realities for us as long as we’re on earth. But our transgressions are forgiven, and our new identity cannot change.

A believer is positioned in Christ. God’s Spirit dwells in us so we can live righteously, as Jesus did. Today’s passage uses a grapevine metaphor to describe this relationship. It tells us the Lord is the vine and we are the branches connected to Him and drawing on His power.

A believer’s mission is to show Christ to the world. Our vine is to bear the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Gal. 5:22-23). When our character and conduct reflect these aspects of Jesus’ nature, we help others to see the beauty of a relationship with the Lord.

The truth about believers is that we don’t have to “do the best we can.” God works through His children to accomplish His purposes.

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