The Name of Jesus

Philippians 2:4-11 

Jesus is a name that elicits all kinds of reactions. Some people show indifference, others feel hatred, and many think of it only in a profane sense. But to those of us who know Jesus as Lord and Savior, His name is precious and higher than any other—and one day in heaven we will eagerly bow before Him. 

In biblical times, names were given to represent the nature of the person, and this is certainly true of the titles by which our Savior is known: 

Lord signifies His deity. Jesus existed before time as the eternal Son of God, and His divinity was never put on hold—not even when He humbled Himself to take the form of a man. 

The name Jesus shows His humanity and His mission. This was a very common name among the Jews and the one by which our Savior was known as a man. Jesus means “Jehovah is salvation,” and that’s exactly what He came to do—“save His people from their sins” (Matt. 1:21). 

Christ means “Messiah.” Jesus perfectly fulfilled all the Old Testament prophecies that spoke of the Messiah’s first coming. And the remaining messianic prophecies will be fully realized when He returns to reign on the earth as King. 

 When Pontius Pilate addressed the Jews, he uttered one of the most crucial questions in the Bible: “What shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?” (Matt. 27:22). We must each answer this same question, and the way we do will determine our eternal destiny. You’ll bow before Him one day, but will it be by choice and in grateful worship?

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