The Most Important Thing

Luke 11:1-4

Many of us have redesigned prayer to “fit in” with the busyness of our lives and to make us more comfortable. We have organized it to suit ourselves and in the process, we have forgotten what the heart of prayer really is—it is our relationship with God the Lord.

Prayer is to be a time of separation from the world in order to be with God. It occurs when we surrender our schedules, our priorities, and ourselves to the joy of drawing near to our heavenly Father. It’s a time to experience God’s love and express ours to Him; to remember that life is centered on Jesus and that our priority is to obey Him. It’s where our souls are nourished and we gain strength to continue.

For us as children of the King, prayer is the means by which we communicate with Him about needs, work, desires, and even our mistakes. It is also one of the primary ways for us to receive His responses. Most importantly, it’s a time to bask in the presence of God our Father and Jesus our Savior—and to be guided by the Holy Spirit in heavenly conversation.

The value of prayer is seen in the life of Jesus. He often withdrew from the crowds and even from His own disciples in order to spend significant time with His Father. What value do you place on praying? Whom or what do you seek through your prayers? How often do you enter the throne room just to spend time with your Father? Commit to seeking a prayer life like Jesus —with God Himself as your focus and top priority.

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