The God Who Comforts Us

2 Corinthians 1:3-7

Even though we experience seasons of celebration, all of us go through difficulties and hardships in life. At times we may find ourselves in despair, wondering if the Lord understands or even notices us. The truth is that He does understand, and He cares so deeply that He sent His only Son to rescue us from our sinful state. Not only that—He loves us and cares enough to comfort us when we hurt.

If you look up comfort in the dictionary, you will find one definition of the word. But take a look at John 14:16 (kjv), and you’ll discover quite a different meaning. In that verse, Jesus describes the work and ministry of the Holy Spirit and calls Him “the Comforter.” That term means “the one who comes to stand by our side—the one who comes to our aid.”

Because believers have the Comforter residing within, there is no need to search elsewhere for comfort. We don’t have to look to drink, drugs, entertainment, travel, or other distractions and pleasures in order to escape our trials and heartaches. We have the source of all comfort dwelling within us.

This means that when we feel as if we’re collapsing on the inside and crying out to God, “I cannot handle any more!” we can expect to sense a little inaudible whisper that encourages us: “You are going to make it because I am here.” When you discern the God-breathed comfort of the Holy Spirit—the One who stands with you no matter what sadness or difficulty you are facing—it is worth more than anything this world has to offer.

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