The Generosity of Christ

Philippians 2:5-11

The Christmas season offers a wonderful opportunity to show love and appreciation for others by giving gifts. God the Father set the precedent by giving His Son to the world, but we must not forget that Jesus Himself was characterized by selfless giving. Generosity isn’t measured as much by our gift as it is by the sacrifice required to give it. So, what did God the Son give up when He came to earth as a tiny infant?

Jesus gave Himself as a Servant. We know that He was God’s servant because He did and said only what His Father commanded. But Jesus didn’t stop there. The Creator and Ruler of heaven and earth also became a servant to sinful mankind. He healed the sick, fed the hungry, and taught the multitudes. But His humility didn’t stop there. 

Jesus gave Himself as a Sacrifice. He humbled Himself to die on a cross, bearing the Father’s righteous wrath and judgment for our sins. Although He was holy and pure, He gave Himself up to be beaten, tortured, mocked, and executed by sinful men.

Jesus gave Himself as a Savior. Now all those who believe in Him can be forgiven, reconciled with God, and saved from the penalty of eternal punishment in hell. But that’s not all. He also gives us eternal life and the promise of an inheritance in heaven.

We can’t imagine what it was like to leave the glories of heaven to come to earth as a human being. All we can do is thank Jesus for the indescribable gift of Himself.

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