I am intrigued by the doomsday conversations that often occur in the news and sports outlets. There is often the threat of an NFL strike.
In my filing cabinet I have a copy of a 1987 Sunday edition of the Dallas Morning News paper with the headlines, Black Sunday. What made that particular day Black Sunday? There was no football! The players were on strike.
What I found interesting is what men did instead of watching a game. One reporter noted that dads were playing with their kids, husbands spent time with their wives, and families had time to go to church. Most importantly the world did not end. Maybe Black Sunday wasn’t so black after all.
It seems to me that the level of concern toward the NFL reinforces how our society focuses on priorities that in the long run are rather insignificant. I find it tragic that our society (me included) gives a great deal of time and energy for issues that are inconsequential and yet the issues of life that truly matter seem to be glossed over.
As leaders, how can we focus our conversations and attention on issues that really matter?
Written by Jay Vineyard