How Do We Prove We Love God?

2 John 1:1-13

Many people say “I love God” to express good feelings about the Lord, but Jesus taught that only those who obey God’s commands truly love Him. So, what are some actions that show that we love God?

Pray often. Jesus taught that frequent prayer is essential to the Christian life. However, when we pray with wrong motives—ones that center around what we want rather than what God wants—we’re not expressing affection for Him. True prayer seeks to determine God’s mind in order to carry out His agenda. This kind of prayer, accompanied by an obedient response, says “I love You” to God.

Read the Bible regularly. Since Jesus defined love as obedience, it’s essential that Scripture reading be accompanied by application. Otherwise, we’re just hearers of the Word (James 1:22).

Serve at church and in the community. If we ourselves choose how to serve instead of obeying the Lord’s direction, our efforts are simply good works rather than an expression of love to Him.

God’s love for us was demonstrated through the sending of His Son Jesus (1 John 4:9-10). Our compliance to the Father’s known will reveals how deeply we care about Him. Take steps each day to show God your love.

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