John 14:26
God knew that we could never grasp the whole of His greatness with our finite human minds. It is for this reason that He provided us with a divine Teacher—the Holy Spirit.
The purpose of Bible study is not mere information, but transformation. If what we read doesn’t change our lives, then we are not experiencing the full power of the gospel. Therefore, the Holy Spirit has an important goal in teaching us the Word of God: to transform us into the likeness of Jesus Christ (Rom. 8:29). He does this in three areas:
1. Evangelism. Before we came to faith in Jesus Christ, it was the Spirit of God who worked to make us aware of our need for a Savior. This was the first step of our move toward Christlikeness, or conformity to the image of God’s Son.
2. Discipleship. Once we have placed faith in Christ, the Holy Spirit begins the process of discipleship, which refers to steady spiritual growth and increasing knowledge of Scripture.
3. Missions. God wants His followers to go forth into the world and spread the good news of Jesus Christ. Believers have the privilege of representing His grace to all people.
Transformation is a key to our becoming like the Lord Jesus Christ. Though we will never attain perfection in this life, the journey toward Christlikeness is important—it’s the way we develop into mature, active believers in Him.
The Holy Spirit is our guide. Thank God today for His goodness in providing a perfect Teacher to lead us on this exciting journey of faith.