Because He Came, We Must Go

John 20:19-23

Can you imagine how intense the emotion was when Jesus appeared to His disciples in today’s passage? After days of hiding, afraid for their lives and mourning the loss of their Master, the followers of Christ were stunned to see Him standing before them in a locked room.

If the shock of His appearance wasn’t enough, think about the statement He made: “As the Father has sent me, I also send you” (John 20:21). The weight of that comment must have seemed overwhelming. After years of hearing Jesus talk about His divine purpose, the disciples were given a similar commission: Just as the Father had sent Jesus, so now Jesus was sending them into the world to spread the gospel, heal the sick, serve the needy, and glorify the Father.

Many Christians read that passage and think, I’m sure glad I wasn’t there to receive those “marching orders.” But guess what—you were. That room didn’t house just the 11 remaining apostles. Luke 24:33 reveals that other followers were “with them.” So in John 20:21, when Jesus said, “I also send you,” He was talking to the whole body of believers. Two thousand years later, this commission still applies to you and me.

Jesus’ command to make disciples “of all the nations” (Matt. 28:19) is too big a job for a handful of individuals. It’s a call for every believer, in every country, in every generation to accept the mission anew. Christ is sending you somewhere for a purpose, whether in your backyard or halfway around the globe. Are you ready to go?

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