How Do You Find the Work God Has Prepared for You?

Practical and spiritual approaches to find your way

You need to be a wise manager of all He has entrusted to you— especially your abilities, interests, personality and values as ignited by the Holy Spirit.  As you seek to discern where God may be calling you, it’s important to evaluate, understand and take your current situation before Him to see what He wants you to do next.

On a practical level . . .

  1. Plan: Develop a plan. How are you currently managing your time, talent and treasures? Where might He want you to invest them? What are the current opportunities?  Do your homework. Seek wise counsel. Submit your plan to the Lord through daily quiet times.
  2. Organize: Prioritize. Identify what you need to do to accomplish the plan He has given you. Ask the Lord to order your steps.
  3. Act: Get started. Faith always requires an action. Whatever He’s called you to do, just do it. Ask Him to open and close doors. Actively listen for His guidance and direction.
  4. Follow Up: Are you getting the results you planned for? Why or why not? What is God trying to teach you through this process? Ask for His will, not yours, to be done.

    Ask God for a spirit of wisdom and revelation with your whole heart – the seat of all understanding and discernment.

When Solomon asked God for an understanding heart to discern between good and evil, “It was pleasing in the sight of the Lord…God gave Solomon wisdom and very great discernment and breadth of mind, like the sand that is on the seashore.” —1 Kings 3:9-10; 4:29 (NASB) 

While seeking God and His wisdom and revelation, consider waiting actively. Bloom where you are planted. Make the most of today and keeping your eyes open for tomorrow. As we shift from practical to spiritual approaches, read and think about Psalm 37:3-4:

 Trust in the LORD and do good;

    dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness.

 Delight yourself in the LORD

    and he will give you the desires of your heart.

On a Spiritual Level…

Finding God’s will is not a game of hide and seek, but it does require a deep desire and effort on your part. Try these 11 actions that help people connect to God and His calling. Any one of them will help, but the more of them you combine, the richer your experience will be.

  1. Worship God.
  2. Read and study the Bible.
  3. Pray.
  4. Listen to God.
  5. Be with other Christians.
  6. Seek counsel.
  7. Consider unfolding circumstances.
  8. Confess and clear your head.
  9. Be alert for God’s peace.
  10. Keep a journal.
  11. Trust and obey.

As you hear and follow God’s calling, you’ll learn more about the capacity and passions He has given for accomplishing His unique purpose for your life. As you follow God step by step, you will find yourself to be the right person in the right place at the right time.

As you consider your relationship with God, rate how well you are hearing Him on a 10-point scale – ten of course is perfectly.
Take comfort in the fact that God designed you beforehand. Discovering what God is calling you to do should be neither fearful nor restricting; rather, it is exciting and liberating. What I’ve learned is that spending time alone with Him is key to discerning what He wants to do with you.

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