Reasons for Worship


In the descriptions of God in the Bible, the characteristics usually given first is that He is compassionate, merciful, full of loyal affection, and incredibly patient. When we worship, as we pour out the delight and appreciation of our hearts, those are the things that we should praise God for. The Psalmist did that.

I will bow down toward your holy temple, And give thanks to your name for your loving kindness and your truth; For you have magnified your word according to all your name.

 (Psalm 138:2)

Those qualities are what won our hearts and liberated us from sin. Psalm 138 tells us that God has made His word great in harmony with His name. As His character so is His word. We can trust His word as we can trust His character. Faith and gratitude are the fuel of worship and priestly service. We must always be sure that we are being grateful and faithful based on the fact that God has already blessed us richly and completely in Christ and not based on our own efforts. True priestly service and worship flows out of the deeply grateful heart.

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