What Does "Salvation" Really Mean?  

What does “salvation” really mean? If you don’t know that answer, you won’t be able to experience the fullness of your salvation. So let’s clarify the truth of salvation.

A good place to begin is by learning the meaning of the word. Most believers think the word salvation simply means “to be saved from eternal damnation.” But it means much more than that. Let’s look at three things the word salvation refers to: 

1. Salvation Includes Deliverance From Evil—Both Temporal and Eternal

Salvation refers to spiritual and material preservation, deliverance from the fear of danger as well as pardon, restoration, healing, wholeness and soundness in spirit, soul and body. It’s true that when you make Jesus your Lord you are saved from the penalty of sin (Romans 5:9). You’ve been delivered from hell and you’re headed for heaven!

2. Salvation Includes a Life of Freedom

Salvation provides deliverance from the dominion of sin in this life (Romans 6:14). Thank God, you don’t have to sin anymore! You have been born of God and you have the power to live a holy life—a life of freedom.

3. Salvation Protects You from Earthly Dangers

Psalm 91 tells you that you will be delivered from pestilence, which includes serious sickness and disease, famine, earthquakes and other calamities. It says you’ll be protected from sudden death that comes by the weapons of men. It promises you a long, satisfying life and deliverance from every kind of trouble that comes your way.

All these are wonderful promises, but they aren’t automatic. These promises operate under specific conditions, and Psalm 91:1-2 tells you what those conditions are: “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [Whose power no foe can withstand]. I will say of the Lord, He is my Refuge and my Fortress, my God; on Him I lean and rely, and in Him I [confidently] trust!”

If you want to experience the fullness of this great salvation Jesus purchased for you, exert consistent effort. Don’t give up, and don’t give in. Stand up for everything salvation has afforded you. Focus on the Lord and His Word. Stay in constant communication with Him through prayer. Experience all that is available to you through Jesus Christ!

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